pepopowitz’s avatarpepopowitz’s Twitter Archive

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A list of popular tweets by retweets and favorites.

  1. I just published “Chekhov’s Gun And Better Unit Tests”
  2. Devs - do you have a system for getting things done? Maybe you use no system at all and that really works for you? I'm planning to record episodes for a podcast I'm calling "How Devs Work." Reach out if you'd like to be a guest & talk about the system that works for you!
  3. I don't know who needs to hear this, but... You have an identity that you chose for yourself years ago, and it's not serving you anymore. It's okay to let that identity go, and choose a new one. You don't have to be the stories you've been telling yourself.
  4. Milwaukee-ish friends - @MKECodeCamp is coming up on Nov 16, and the call for speakers is currently open - You should submit some ideas!
  5. I just published “10 Tips For Writing Conference Talks”
  6. I just published “5 Tips For Writing A Conference Submission”
  7. I recently started reading @creamcitycode submissions. Holy cats, there is some good stuff in there. In other words, 1. We're going to have some tough decisions. 2. There's still time to submit! Make it even harder for us! 3. You should buy tix. You will NOT be disappointed.
  8. After rejections from @syntaxcon and @NDC_Conferences, I was feeling pretty down. After some complaining to @davidpine7 and @rachelkrau about it, they reminded me to channel the energy in a positive direction. So I wrote this. Maybe it can help you!
  9. Yup! Snapshots optimize for time of test-write, instead of test-failure. But test-write is when you have all the context to understand why the test would fail, and at test-failure you have none. In most cases, snapshots are a shortsighted solution that future-you will regret. @searls/1011999853243719680
  10. #MKE friends with speaking experience: @wepivotdotorg is still looking for mentors for global diversity cfp day! @akattow/1202684733005713413
  11. Hey, #CodeMash - if you missed my "Getting Unstuck" talk, I recorded it for you! cc @codemash
  12. A while back, @sebmarkbage wrote up a ton of perspective on people's reactions to React hooks: It's great reading, if you're curious about the motivation for hooks, or where they might be headed. h/t @djsheldrick, who shared it in a PR discussion 🤗
  13. Hey, Milwaukee area devs!!! I'm thinking about putting together a "pop-up meetup" on Tuesday, May 29th, to do a practice run of a new workshop I'm building on Test-Driven JavaScript. Are you interested???? Please fill out this survey!!! plz RT for reach!
  14. Hey, Milwaukee/Madison/Wisconsin/Chicago tech people -- let's talk about @creamcitycode for a minute.
  15. Steve's first rule of software development: the person who says "that should be easy" gets to do the work.
  16. I save dozens of keystrokes every day with aliases: g i t (space) s t a t u (oh, I have an alias for that!) backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace backspace g s t (enter)
  17. Today I saw MacOS written in all-lower-case and I realized that I could have been pronouncing it to rhyme with tacos this whole time???!!! I'd like a do-over and I promise I won't mess it up this time.
  18. …in reply to @pepopowitz
    Next is the most exciting bit for me: I start a new job at @ArtsyOpenSource on Oct. 15th! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Words cannot describe how excited I am for this opportunity. I am still pinching myself to make sure it's real.
  19. …in reply to @dan_abramov
    @dan_abramov Fun fact: Replace "code" with "coke", and this statement remains factual.
  20. Don't tell anyone but THIS GUY JUST WROTE A JAVASCRIPT UNIT TEST!!!! #codemash @saltnburnem
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  21. Meanwhile, the Northwoods of Wisconsin is still beautiful AF.
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  22. I'm beyond thrilled that I get to lead a workshop at @MusicCityTech in a couple months, on writing test-driven JavaScript!
  23. The sun sets on another edition of #creamcitycode, & I have so many confusing, conflicting emotions. I don't know what my future is with this thing I've loved and helped build. I'm just really thankful for everyone who has ever been a part of it, in any capacity. 😘😘😘
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  24. …in reply to @dan_abramov
    @dan_abramov @reactjs Oh come on, Dan, I had things I wanted to do today. Now I'm going to be stuck reading these all day.
  25. Ummmmm at this time tomorrow I will be drinking a beer and celebrating the fact that I can say "I am a keynote speaker" without lying. 🤨🙃🤯🤪
  26. Greatest compliment I've ever received after a talk - "I think you literally just changed my life."