Thread. Pre-flecting (yeah it's a word) on #mkedotnet tomorrow and my heart is full. I love doing this stuff for and with everyone involved.
Excited for attendees tomorrow. I hope you love even just one session. Meet some people you didn't know. They're great people.
Stoked for sponsors to meet people too. We don't do this without you, and I hope we can bring you some new faces.
For speakers that I got to talk to tonight -@pushorpull @jeffreystrauss @Wright2Tweet @Scott_Addie @jprusakova @jonathanfmills @bougiefever
@pushorpull @jeffreystrauss @Wright2Tweet @Scott_Addie @jprusakova @jonathanfmills @bougiefever I hope you effing kill it tomorrow and even if you don't I hope you learn something and/or want to come back next year.