brain: figma's motion plugin is cool for keyframe animations! big brain: I should build animations for my talk with figma!! giant brain: I can export as webm to get smaller videos (though still 1mb 😅)!!! galaxy brain: DUH THESE ARE VECTORS EXPORT AS SVG, 8KB, SUPER DUH!!!!
and of course by the time I got to galaxy brain I realized that @BenFelda lives at galaxy brain + 1, and if I'd only talked to him about what I was trying to do he would have gotten me to galaxy brain a long time ago
and then I spent a bunch of time trying to figure out how to get @revealjs to restart my background SVG animations when I revisit a slide. That was a blog-worthy experience but I did it.
@revealjs Rough proof of concept before I start investing time into building all my animations in figma, look at that sucker spin 😵💫 [video alt: a slide from a talk I'm working on about rewriting history with git, in which an svg "wheel of git" spins in circles.]