@tmikeschu A few months ago, I realized while talking to my therapist how much I liked having someone who would listen to me without judgement. Then I realized I don't provide that to my wife and kids, and I felt awful. I read a couple books about listening, and I'm getting better at it.
@tmikeschu My therapist has also helped me get better at it, but reading the sentence "you don't have to agree with someone to validate their emotions" is the thing that made the biggest difference.
@tmikeschu This specific change has been quick - a matter of months -- but it's part of a longer term effort to be better to the people I'm closest to, and that's been going on for a couple years now. It rarely feels like I make large amounts of progress, but I think little things add up.
@tmikeschu Ps happy birthday 😁🎉🎉🎉🎉