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  1. …in reply to @matt_salzer
    @matt_salzer @joelnet I don't disagree that code can be inherently problematic, but I don't think "readable" is the right word to describe this. The word is rife with subjectivity. Our experiences, background, and skills heavily influence our personal definition of "readable". Examples:
    1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
      @matt_salzer @joelnet - To a team of functional developers with math backgrounds, long, clear names are disruptive to readability. To a dev without that background, long, clear names are helpful.
      1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
        @matt_salzer @joelnet - I find small functions with clear names to be more readable. I've had many coworkers tell me they find that frustrating, because they want to read all the code in one place.
        1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
          @matt_salzer @joelnet This would be fine if we used the word readable to describe preferences based on our background, but we don't. We use it to make arguments for specific styles, like there's a purity and objectivity to the word.
          1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
            @matt_salzer @joelnet I've argued in favor of readability a lot in the past, but now I prefer to not even use the word. When I hear someone describe code as "more readable," I automatically finish their sentence in my head: "...for me."