pepopowitz’s avatarpepopowitz’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,847

                1. Looks like the #THATConference posts are starting to roll in. I'm **SO SAD** that I won't be there this year. (I'm "stuck" in NYC for a work thing.) Here's a list of things I'd do if I were there. If you're going, you should do them for me!
              1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                1. Run #THAT5k! I know it's early, but your body deserves a good run in the morning. You'll feel great for the rest of the day. Sometimes the fog sits in the farm fields and you get to enjoy views like this: @Cassieview/762755483086139393
            1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
              2. Attend #THATyoga! I am totally biased because my wife teaches it, but this is another thing your body deserves. I like the early-morning class, but they've added an "unplug and chill out" class on Monday night that looks nice.
          1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
            3. Eat lunch with strangers. It's scary as hell. Even if you only do this once, you've done great. Picking a table is hard. Too few people and conversations won't happen. Too many, & it's likely you just sat down with a table of coworkers and are the odd one out.
        1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
          4. Go to open spaces. Lots of them. They're a great way to connect with others. Also, a great way to learn what **you** want to learn. Talks are guided by the speakers; open spaces are guided by you and the other attendees. This is huge.
      1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
        4b. If there's an open space named "Talk to a stranger," **DEFINITELY** go to that one. You might meet @jbeallurks, and he's really good at dad jokes. (For real though: that was my favorite open session last year. 10/10 would attend again.)
    1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
      5. *Host* an open space. This is the only way to guarantee a session on the _exact_ topic you're interested in. If you're scared to get up in front of the audience to announce your session, don't worry - you can put something on the schedule _after_ open spaces are kicked off.
  1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
    [5. host an open space cont.] You don't even need to know anything about the topic! Pick something you want to learn about, and experts will show up and teach you. This is how I got speaking advice from @CoryHouse, @reverentgeek, @dahlbyk, @Wright2Tweet, and @pcameronpresley.
    1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
    2. …in reply to @pepopowitz
      6. Attend the waterpark party, and spend the whole night in the hot tub. Don't drink too much, because you'll be doing yoga or running the 5k in the morning. You don't want to wake up late and have to sprint to catch up to @brandonjsalmon on the run.
      1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
        7. You should probably attend some sessions, too. There are way too many good ones to list. I'll highlight a few I'm most sad to miss.
        1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
          7a. @amandadaering's talk about salary negotiation. This is a skill I know I need to get better at, and you probably do too. Amanda is a people expert, and she's exactly the person I'd want to teach me about salary negotiation.
          1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
            7b. @damonpayne's session on Camping Mindfully ( I struggle with consistency of meditation. Damon is incredibly consistent & I bet has great tips. Meditation, like exercise, just makes the day better. His talk includes a guided meditation session. 💪🏼
            1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
              7c. @ivaneisenberg's talk on using ML to eliminate meetings. It's really fun to see Ivan applying his genius like this. I'm sad I don't get to hear about this project. If he asks the audience to throw story points, throw an 8 for me.
              1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                7d. @ben_felda's talk on SVG animation - I haven't seen Ben speak before, which makes me a bad friend. But I've heard he's an amazing teacher. And he knows his SVG. He's been working hard on his demos and I'm glad this session is being recorded.
                1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                  7e. @rachelkrau's talk on retros - I have sat in many retros with Rachel, and I would sit in many more. She taught me how to collaborate with UX. I'd love to hear what she has to say about retros.
                  1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                    7f. @geekygirlsarah's talk on Building an Artificial Pancreas - Sarah is an amazing speaker. I haven't seen this talk, but every time she gives it Twitter lights up. I'd love to see this talk.
                    1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                      7g. If you're comparing sessions and trying to decide which to attend, always pick the one you know less about. You'll get way more out of these than the ones you already know some things about, in my experience. @VassiLC agrees.
                      1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                        8. Say thank you to @csell5 and any other volunteers you see. They put in so much work for this, and it shows, and we are all really grateful for it.
                        1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                          Have fun #THATConference! I am so jealous you're there and I'm not. Say hi to my kids for me, okay?