pepopowitz’s avatarpepopowitz’s Twitter Archive—№ 1,180

                              1. My day started with a 5:25 alarm. One snooze. Heated up some oatmeal, and by the time it cooled, I had to eat quickly - I like to have at least two hours after food before I run, and my race started at 8. I did a little bit of work to kill some time. 1/
                            1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                              I'd packed up the night before, so all I needed to do was change and grab my water bottle. I kept it in the fridge overnight to keep it extra cold. It is a weird shape - skinny, so it fits inside a pouch you strap to your hand. It fits my hand perfectly. I love it. 2/
                          1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                            45 minutes later, I pulled into the trailhead. Fired up for my first half marathon! On trail!!! Woop woop!!!!! 3/
                        1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                          I checked my phone to find two texts. The first was from a friend who was waiting for me at the start. The second was from my wife - "I see your water bottle on the counter. Do you want me to bring it?" F&##_$#@@&--. 4/
                      1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                        For the last 2 months, I've learned that long runs are all about learning how to pace, fuel, and hydrate yourself, so you can basically run forever. I had learned how to do that! I had a plan for all of it. My plan did not include leaving my water bottle at home. 5/
                    1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                      I texted back. Me: "yes, bring it! I start at 8. Will you make it?" Her: "no." Me: "f#$&-##_." Her: "can we meet you on the trail?" 6/
                  1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                    Here's where I have to thank my wife for pulling me out of panic mode, and into problem solving mode. I wasn't going to have my bottle to start the race. But she reminded me that I didn't have to go home crying. We could find a way to make this work. Like we always do. 7/
                1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                  I gave her options for meeting places. I set off for the expo area to find a replacement. No one had anything that would fit in my pouch. A woman gave me a tiny collapsible cup. I took it just in case. I'd only be able to drink at aid stations but it was better than nothing. 8
              1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
                A volunteer recommended I go take a finishers water bottle. I declined. Carrying a biking-sized water bottle for 13 miles sounded like no fun. I had an idea. 9/
            1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
              I headed to the parking lot to look around. A plastic disposable bottle would fit in the pouch, perfectly, if I could find one. I struck gold - an empty crushed plastic bottle with the cap still on. 10/
          1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
            Yes, I wiped off the lip. No, I didn't use soap. I didn't care - it fit perfectly, and I could ditch it when I met up with my wife. Crisis averted! And 2 minutes to spare. 11/
        1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
          The race was f#_&#ing fantastic. Fantastic. I felt like a monster on the trails. I was able to fuel and hydrate just as I'd planned. I was able to pace faster than I expected. 12/
          oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
        My wife and kids were waiting at mile 7! They had gotten there a minute before I did. Phew! I transferred bottles. The crappy plastic bottle served me well, but I was happy to replace it. 13/
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
      The second half of the run was pretty brutal - a horse trail with lots of grass in spots, and lots of rocks in others. I got tired, but I felt strong as hell. I used my locomotive breath up the hills. This predictably led to singing Jethro Tull. 14/
  1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
    My "holy crap there's no way I could run it this fast" goal was 2 hours. I finished at 2h2m36s. 4/21 in my age group. I think trail running is my sport. I cannot wait to run another trail half marathon. 15/
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
      I get really sweaty when I run. My kids wouldn't touch me afterward. They told me I looked like I'd just jumped in the lake. So I jumped in the lake. We celebrated with burgers & beers. 16/
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
      1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
        I owe my day to my wife, though. She kicked me into problem solving mode. She's an accomplished age-group triathlete, and she's been through a ton of races. She was looking for alternative solutions while I was still pouting. 17/
        1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
          Once I got into that mode, it was smooth sailing. I got chills at mile 5, thinking about how similar it was to my job - looking for alternatives, ideating, putting out fires. Problem solving. I couldn't have gotten into that mode without her, though. 18/
          1. …in reply to @pepopowitz
            Step 1: Find something you love to do. Step 2: Find a good support system. Step 3: Do more of the thing you love to do, with help from your support system. Step 4: Happiness. /fin
            oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API